Here are some links to my friends' personal websites.
- 咸鱼暄的代码空间: The homepage of Mr. 咸鱼暄, my senior at ZJU who has given me a lot of academic guidance and mental health support.
- Homepage of Ruoxi Ning: Sis. Banana, my senior at ZJU, a warm-hearted linguist & computer scientist.
- Isshiki修's Notebook: The homepage of Mr. Isshiki, my roommate at ZJU. He has many useful notes on CS on his website.
- 罹魂梦蝶: 罹魂梦爹, my peer at ZJU who saved me many times before DDLs XD
- mem 的小站: An ACMer and Rising Star.
- Zicx 的笔记本: My schoolmate at ZJU. He studies computer vision!